Collaborative legislation process
East End Ward Community Regeneration Forum March 2024East Youth Team
Proposal code: CONSUL-2024-02-140
Friday Night Football & Hub
As part of the East Youth Team’s Diversionary activities, a Friday night football drop-in and Youth drop-in is delivered every Friday evening from 6.30-9pm at Craigie 3G pitches. The East Youth Team work in partnership with Leisure and Culture who provide coaches to deliver football sessions on Friday evenings at the Craigie 3G pitch for young people in S1 up to S6. We regularly work with the Community Safety Wardens and Community Police who attend sessions when possible to engage with our young people and support the provision. Along with Hillcrest Futures and the Corner to provide health information. Youth work staff are working in partnership with Dundee FC CT to deliver Tactics for Life and I Can Lead as part of the school day. When young people successfully completed both programmes, they will be supported to volunteer at the Friday night football drop in. To further build on their skills for life and work.
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