Collaborative legislation process
Ferry Ward Community Regeneration Forum January 2024Broughty Ferry YMCA
Proposal code: CONSUL-2024-01-112
Y Not Me?
The main aim of the joint project between Broughty Ferry YMCA and YMCA Tayside ‘Y Not Me?’ is to set up a three-month (January 1st to March 31st 2024) assessment on the viability of a teen youth club for S1 – S6. We have engaged with the local secondary school and two primary schools who have identified a local need for such a project. We will supply a safe space where young people can meet their peers, participate in activities, volunteer in the running of and decision-making of the youth club, and develop leadership and team building skills. We have a kitchen on the premises that would allow them to be trained in life skills, budgeting skills and time management skills that are transferable to other areas of life.
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