Collaborative legislation process
East End Regeneration Forum March 2023EEY2304 East Youth Team
Proposal code: CONSUL-2023-02-36
Friday Night Football/Hub
As part of the East Youth Team’s Diversionary activities, a Friday night football drop-in and Youth drop-in is delivered every Friday evening from 6.30-9pm at Craigie 3G pitches. The East Youth Team work in partnership with Leisure and Culture who provide coaches to deliver football sessions on Friday evenings at the Craigie 3G pitch for young people in primary 7 up to S6. We regularly work with the Community Safety Wardens and Community Police who attend sessions when possible to engage with our young people and support the provision. Recently, we have met with the Active Schools Co-ordinator for Craigie High and Dundee Community Trust to develop opportunities for our young people who attend; specifically the 16+ age group to offer training and qualifications that will allow some of our young people to secure employment as football coaches. During the past year, the Friday night football has been popular with local young people. An average session has an attendance rate of approximately 70 young people, although not everyone plays football. The pitches and the hub allow young people to be in a safe place on a Friday evening with friends. The grant will be used to pay for the cost of the 3G pitch let from 7.30pm until 9pm on Friday evenings. The football sessions are delivered on a weekly basis with the exception of a break over Christmas – We will require funding for 49 weeks of the year. In addition to this, we require funding for the let to the Hub which will be accessible from 6.30-8.30pm on Friday evenings. The Youth Team covered the cost of this element last year, however, this funding is no longer available. The Hub will be managed by the Youth Team who will provide food and activities for young people. Following consultation from young people who attend the football and hub, we require funding to provide food and snacks for those accessing the provision; in order to deliver substantial food, cooking equipment such as pots and pans are required. As part of the delivery we regularly bring light refreshments and snacks and for some young people this is greatly appreciated, some do not go home before the session and have not had a chance to eat. Young people have been involved in the consultation of food at the drop in and this is an important aspect of the provision. Consultation has highlighted a need for more up to date equipment such as Switch games and arts and crafts. The young people who attend the provision would like to take part in a number of trips; funding for this and transport costs would allow the Youth Team to facilitate excursions for our young people who might not get the opportunity to participate in trips. Feedback from young people highlighted an interest in Fox Lake, the cinema, Ryze and Footgolf. Trips would be delivered during the school holidays. I am requesting funding for Odeon vouchers which will be used as incentives and for winning teams who take part in quizzes and football games.
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