NE2408 - Resolve & Evolve Lifgate, North East Ward Community Regeneration Forum, May 2024
You are invited to give your views on the current applications for Community Regeneration Funding. Do you think they will add value and be a positive development in this community? Your comments will be considered by the Community Regeneration Forum when they make their decisions.
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Resolve and Evolve currently provide a recovery friendly Drop Inn at Finmill Centre. The Group are moving to Lifegate on the 4th June 2024. The group will be supported to run activities by the local community Health Team. The aim is to provide sensory toys to provide sessions targeted at parents who are most reliant on benefits. The group wish to engage more and would like to purchase indoor curling set which would be used by drop in participants.
The group use the term recovery in its widest sense including recovery from Alcohol, substances, poor mental health etc, they wish to tackle the issue of social isolation and inequalities, and by providing these activities, believe they can begin to tackle the issues and improve health & wellbeing.
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