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Collaborative legislation process

Coldside Community Regeneration Forum March 2023
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Environment/Hilltown Park Improvements Group

C Caroline Dashwood  •  2023-02-27  •  No comments

Proposal code: CONSUL-2023-02-9

Proposal C – Hilltown Park Improvements

Hilltown Park – Improvements

In early 2022 the Maxwell Centre with partners delivered a co-design consultation where local people participated in a project to design improvements to the Hilltown Park. There were 12 priorities identified through the project and 4 proposals presented.  This application is for activity in Proposal C – Concrete Blocks & Boulevard Area. It includes the following elements:

• Seating. A variety of seating options to encourage people to meet – circular seating rather than isolated seating facing the path.

• Planters / Growing spaces. Repair or remove and replace broken planters.  These should be made of natural materials and a various heights to support people with less mobility to participate. There was also a desire to increase low maintenance planting throughout the park - such a daffodils / crocuses which can bring colour to the park.

The seating and planters will be delivered together. It is proposed that they will be connected and made of the same wooden materials and design style. This will tie the visual look together and create a warm, natural inviting space.

• Interactive elements / interpretation panels about wildlife / plant life / history of the area.

• Making the area more welcoming through the use of colour / floor painted games / art work. Colour is very important to people. People also liked ideas that incorporated themes of nature and wildlife.

To deliver these two elements it is proposed to select an artist who can work with the community to take the ideas already identified in the consultation to create 3 interpretation panels for the park. These will be interactive in that they will have suggestions of ‘things to do in the park’, ‘things to look out for’. The artist will also produce a design for the paved area at the Glamis Street entrance. This design will be applied directly to the paving and will include interactive elements – such as games. To support the work highlight above to happen. Dundee City Council will remove the existing concrete blocks, make good the paving, and generally tidy up the area.