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Reducing food waste in Dundee
2022-11-18 • 2 comments • • Dundee Climate Fund
Transition Dundee is a community-led social enterprise aiming to make Dundee a more sustainable, happier and healthier place to live through various climate-focussed initiatives. We would like to increase the amount of food saved from going to waste in and around Dundee, through our project 'Dundee West End Community Fridge' and our partnership with the Dundee Community Food Network (DCFN). The Community Fridge has been running since July 2019 and has so far saved over a whopping 220 tonnes of food, approximately 500,00 meals, and the same carbon reduction as planting and growing 11,500 trees! While our project is primarily about reducing food waste, it also offers dignified access to food for those in need because of the environmental focus and the fact that EVERYONE is encouraged to use it. We work closely with the DCFN and would like to share the extra food saved with the 25+ exisitng food projects, ensuring the food is spread across the whole city and many more people are able to benefit from it. We know there is much more food out there to be saved (and many more people in need of food given the cost of living crisis), so with this project we aim to double the amount of food we currently redistribute and there are three ways in which we would like to tackle this:
A Gleaning Group
The Gleaning Network is a network of community groups, organisations and farmers all over the UK who are working to reduce farm-level food waste. The Network exists to bring together and empower communities, enabling them to salvage surplus food left on farms; food which can then be redistributed through the DCFN, primarily benefitting those on a low income. There is not yet a formal Gleaning Group in Scotland, so Dundee would be the first – and we are in a prime position geographically between the produce-rich areas of Perthshire, Angus and Fife.
There are many reasons why farms have surplus – systematic overproduction, cosmetic standards, order cancellations, worker shortages and unpredictable weather. And it’s not always just farms – the Community Fridge team has often been asked to go and pick fruit trees from private gardens in Dundee when the owners are unable which we are not usually able to do. Tthe extra capacity would allow us to help reduce this waste too. The Gleaning Network provides a tried-and-tested toolkit for making sure our supervised visits to local farms are safe, fun and a worthwhile opportunity for local people to learn about where their food comes from, why waste reduction is important for the climate emergency and feed their community.
Electric Van
A second-hand electric van would allow the Community Fridge team to be more flexible and able to collect larger donations from supermarkets and other businesses when the offers are made, as well as to reduce our carbon footprint (by eliminating petrol/diesel car journeys currently made by our collection team). The van would also be used to collect and distribute the large volumes expected from gleaning days – meaning we would be able to take food to other projects in a sustainable way.
Inreased Community Engagement
There is increasing concern from our community about the impact of food waste and we would like to hold more workshops/events to show how small changes can make a big impact to the planet, our health and our bank balance. We would work in partnership with community groups and other organisations across the city to deliver this to reach as many people as possible!

DUNDEE BAIRNS - Electric van to deliver free meals and clothes to Dundee bairns
2022-11-17 • 1 comment • • Dundee Climate Fund
Dundee Bairns was formed as a community project in 2016 and was formally constituted as a charity in May 2017. We provide free breakfasts and lunches during the school holidays and free hot 2-course evening meals through our Tea Club during the winter months. Throughout the year we also deliver Christmas food hampers and vouchers, gifts for children, Easter eggs, cooking packs for families and schools and children's activity packs. Over the last 6 years we have provided over 450,000 meals to children in Dundee. In addition, through our Cosy Bairns project we have provided new clothes and footwear to just under 6000 children during the winters of 2020,2021 and 2022. All the aforementioned services rely on our staff and volunteers using their own cars. During the summer holidays we have had to rent vans due to the extremely high volume of meals we provide on certain days, but for almost all our services we currently rely on our volunteers and staff using their own vehicles.
In 2017 when we started the Tea Club meals, we provided them to 5 Primary Schools, and now in the period October 2022 to March 2023, we will be providing over 1,000 hot meals per week, spread over 18 locations.
The grant we are seeking from the Dundee Climate Fund would be used to purchase an electric van. This will reduce the requirement for our staff and volunteers to use their own vehicles and reduce the carbon footprint of the charity.
An electric van is ideal for Dundee Bairns as our daily mileage will be no more than 100 miles per day, and therefore a single charge will suffice each day. It is likely that the annual mileage could be as high as 25,000 miles per year, and we believe that we would be best served by purchasing an electric van. The quotes we have received to date equate to a cost of £24,000.
If we are succesful with our application there are 3 main benefits. Firstly, having our own electric vehicle will allow the charity to provide our meals, children's clothing/footwear and other items for schools and children in a more cost effective manner. Secondly, it will reduce the demands made on our staff and volunteers to use their own vehicles and finally it will significantly reduce our carbon footprint. A truly win,win,win situation.