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DCF 3.0 FAQ's

Please read our FAQs prior to submitting your project. 

For any other questions not covered by the FAQs relating to the Dundee Climate Fund, please contact The Dundee Climate Fund can only be used for projects which will be delivered within the time period of the fund (Dundee Climate Fund 3.0 until 31. August 2026). This means that the fund cannot be used as match-funding for projects which are conditional and subject to other funds not yet confirmed. 


Which topics can be applied for?

The Dundee Climate Fund 3.0 focusses on the following topics: Energy, Transport, Waste, Resilience and Community Engagement. Dundee's communities have been consulted about the kind of projects they would like to see. Applicants are strongly encouraged to align funding proposals with community suggestions, however other propsals considering the main topics will also be considered. 

More information can be found here.

All projects must be delivered in Dundee.

Find inspiration from the Dundee Climate Fund Round 1 and Dundee Climate Fund 2.0

Who can apply? 

Only Dundee-based not-for-profit, constituted groups can apply and normally these will have one of the following structures:

  • Constituted community group or club
  • Social Enterprise
  • Community interest companies (CIC)
  • Registered charity (SCIO)

The Dundee Climate Fund especially welcomes applications which demostrate partnering with local community groups.

The Dundee Climate Fund does not accept applications from:

  • Individuals  
  • Sole traders  
  • Schools
  • Dundee City Council
  • Leisure & Culture Dundee
  • Organisations based outside Dundee
  • Anyone who is applying for another organisation  
  • Organisations focused on making profits and sharing these profits privately - including companies limited by shares, organisations without the right asset locks, or organisations that can pay profits to directors or shareholders 

Can I apply again if I already received Dundee Climate Fund funds from Round 1 or 2?

Yes you can reapply, however you need to submit a different project.

What if I applied for the Dundee Climate Fund Round 1 and or 2, but did not get funding?

You are allowed to resubmit your application. Please ensure that your application still addresses the Dundee Climate Fund 3.0 topics and requirements. You can use this opportunity to strengthen your application and potentially consider collaborating with another group.

Funds & Spending

Can I apply to cover the continuation of an impactful project?

Yes, the DCF 3.0 allows you to apply for funding to support impactful climate change activites you have already developed. You will have to provide evidence of the impact achieved and planned with this project.

Does the fund cover staff costs?

Staffing costs are eligible  although should be for additional costs and cannot be used to fund any existing staff costs your organisation may be liable for. The Dundee Climate Fund can be used to employ a member of staff on a 1-year fixed contract. If the applicant is applying for continuation of a project this fund may be used to fun a position that otherwise would cease to exist and is needed to carry out the project applied for.

Do we require match funding?

Applications will be considered for projects with a minimum of £6,000 to a maximum of £25,000. For proposals over £25,000 organisations with free reserves more than three months operating expenses will require to provide match funding of 25% in kind/cash. 

Application Procedure

How do we apply?

To submit your application all three steps need to be completed. Failure to complete all three steps will result in rejection of your application.

  1. Submit your project to Dundee’s Voice.
  2. Complete the Application Form (you can download the application form to preview questions, submissions need to be made via MS Form)
  3. Submit supplementary documentation to


All applicants need to:

  • Provide three quotes for goods and services over £5,000
  • Apply effective sustainable procurement policies
  • Source services or goods by providers externally to Dundee City Council
  • Source services or goods locally, if possible, and focus on sustainability and a low carbon footprint

Eligible submissions must be able to demonstrate:

  • That their proposals are feasible and can be delivered;
  • Their plans for how their proposals will achieve a lasting impact and how they will measure change. Projects that can show how their work will support lifestyle changes across Dundee, and potentially longer-term attitude shifts will be particularly encouraged;
  • How they will reach more people - proposals need to engage with people outside of those already taking climate action and will be able to show clear plans for, and a commitment to, public engagement.

How will applications be evaluated?

All applications will be screened for their feasibility and eligibility by a dedicated Reviewing Panel. The allocation of funding will be determined through public voting.

Will we receive feedback if our application is unsuccessful?

Yes, you will receive feedback through the application portal.

Where else can I apply to gain additional funds?

Depending on your projects aim there are other grants available in Scotland. More information can be found here: or Sustainable Dundee's funding finder

What if our project is working with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults?

If your project involves working with children, young people or adults at risk, you must have thought through what additional safeguarding risks that this could create, and must have developed safeguarding policies and procedures appropriate for the type of project you plan to undertake.

More information on developing a Safeguarding policy and procedures can by obtained from the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO): SCVO - Safeguarding



Proposals require to submit an estimate of the total project cost exploring the range of staff, resources, and services required to deliver the project. There are restrictions on what can be funded, pre-conditions for certain projects and an expectation that all purchasing will be done with consideration to minimise the environmental impacts and related carbon emissions by buying locally and using ethical and sustainable materials and suppliers.

The Dundee Climate Fund will not fund:

  • Any proposals with recurring revenue impact or place any burdens on the Council
  • Proposals that lobby or require the Council to change policy
  • Projects or activities that the state has a legal obligation to provide, such as a local recycling service, bus stops, local bus services, etc. 
  • Items that other Scottish Government grants are available to finance (e.g. cycle paths which can be funded by Sustrans, or bicycles through CyclingScot)
  • Proposals that involve improvements to buildings that are not owned by the applicant, or significant infrastructure being installed on land that is not owned by the applicant.
  • Feasibility studies, development costs, design fees, planning costs.
  • Costs incurred before the Project Start Date or after the Project End Date.

Additionally, the Dundee Climate Fund will not fund:

  • Contingency costs
  • Core organisational or overhead costs - that are not directly related and proportional to the delivery of your project.
  • Items or activities which benefit an individual rather than the community as a whole
  • Fundraising activities or donations to other organisations
  • Loans, interest payments, bank or credit card charges
  • Political or religious activities
  • Alcohol or tobacco
  • Livestock and associated costs (e.g. food)
  • VAT that you can recover from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • Costs incurred using high-carbon modes of travel (flights, cars, taxis etc) when lower emission alternatives are available. All flights are ineligible unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  • Fuel costs of any kind
  • The Dundee Climate Fund grant can only be used for funding the proposed project and related costs.

Successful applicantions

What happens if we get the funding?

You will be contacted by the Dundee Climate Fund Team and supplied with the Terms and Conditions & Grant agreements.

Successful applicants will be required submit monitoring reports to the Governance Group every six months. Please retain all invoices, among other details, as you will need them for the monitoring report.

All grant recipients will need to:

  • Submit requested progress and final reports to be publicly accessible
  • Ensure that all activities and equipment are insured
  • Retain evidence of all incurred costs
  • Follow open, fair and transparent recruitment processes
  • Follow best practice in the project governance and project delivery outcomes
  • Submit a case study highlighting project success at end of delivery (including lessons learnt, achieved outcomes and impact had).


Do you have more questions? Get in touch: