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Collaborative legislation process

West End Regeneration Forum November 2023
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Gate Church International SCIO

C Caroline Dashwood  •  2023-10-31  •  No comments

Proposal code: CONSUL-2023-10-97

Community Christmas Ceilidh

To enable a family friendly outdoor community Christmas event for all local residents of the West End at Millers Wynd Car Park in combination with our church premises (Gate Church, 158 Perth Rd.)

The event will consist of live performances by a local ceilidh band with ceilidh dancing, spoken word and live music appropriate for all ages and all members of the public at Millar Wynd Car Park. Fire pits and Christmas lighting will also provide extensive community engagement opportunities.

We also aim to provide food with bacon rolls (+ vegan/dairy free jackfruit alternative) made on site at our church building while also providing an ‘open door café atmosphere’ from our Main Auditorium from our church premises adjacent. A Santa’s grotto will also be provided in the premises coffee bar. At said premises we will also provide Christmas snacks, hot drinks and further community engagement opportunities of social interaction. Accessible toilet facilities will also be provided on said premises.