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Collaborative legislation process

Lochee Community Regeneration Forum March 2023
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LP2204 Dundee United Trust

K Katie Webster  •  2023-02-27  •  No comments

Proposal code: CONSUL-2023-02-24

New Beechwood Park Facility Upgrades

We have recently taken on the long-term lease of the sports facility, ‘New Beechwood Park’, situated on Lundie Avenue and have had significant challenges with people climbing into the facility out-with opening hours and several instances of damage within the property. We desperately require support to enhance the security of the facility, not only to preserve a fantastic community asset but also to ensure the safety of those accessing the site (including those doing so on an unauthorised basis). Since taking on the facility we have spent over £10, 000 on repairs due to malicious damage and on upgrading some fencing but there is much more to do here. We require some funding support in order to purchase and install a CCTV system within the grounds to improve security and deter trespassing, thus reducing the risk of injury to perpetrators and damage to property. The whole purpose of taking the lease of the facility on was to provide a space for the local community to take part in sport and every week we have hundreds of people doing just that, with girls and boys teams, adults teams as well as a growing programme of disability sport now operating at the facility. By the end of this financial year we will have invested over £40, 000 of our own funds (in addition to a significant amount of time and effort) to improve this local asset, through provision of water and improvements in the storage cabins. Our vision is to provide a safe, inclusive community space to play sport; allowing us to deliver a wide array of fantastic community benefits; but we require some support to enhance the security to allow us to take those next steps. The CCTV will provide security to the cabins on site, the 3G pitch and goals (all of which have seen damage in the past 6-12 months). The long term vision for the facility is to deliver on a permanent community building within the perimeter of the site; somewhere that we can develop and support a broad programme of non-sporting activities and importantly a place where the community feels they can their home.