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The Melting Pot

S ScrapAntics  •  2023-02-01  •  No comments  •  Legacy Sculpture  • 

Photo of people in gardens with artwork overlaid.
Photo of people in gardens with artwork overlaid.

Project code: 40



Walk into the Melting Pot to feel the energy and inspiration that shines through the warm, radiant colours and shapes of 100 hand painted wooden pieces.

Each of these represents emotions, facts and ideas shared by Dundonians of all ages and neighbourhoods about their connection with nature and climate change.

This playful, open-dome installation is like a fictional People’s Climate Assembly and is inspired by the raw power of our ancestral roots and the Melting Pot metaphor, a place for us to work together for change.

Location: Botanic Garden

Proposed on behalf of: ScrapAntics

Price explanation

This project has been shortlisted by a review panel including ScrapAntics, the Botanic Gardens and Dundee City Council.

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