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The Tipping Point

S ScrapAntics  •  2023-02-01  •  No comments  •  Legacy Sculpture  • 

Drawing of sculpture with notes.
Drawing of sculpture with notes.

Project code: 39



Inspired by the oil field 'nodding donkey' this interactive sculpture attempts to promote thought about our ecosystems that are at a critical balance point.

'Weights' (created in school workshops) are used to tip the scales, so making the arrow point to a better climate/society, in an inclusive, playful and educational way.

There will also be impressionistic smaller sculptures associated with the 'fossil fuel' and 'renewables age' areas next to the sculpture.

Location: Botanic Garden

Proposed on behalf of: ScrapAntics

Price explanation

This project has been shortlisted by a review panel including ScrapAntics, the Botanic Gardens and Dundee City Council.

Don't have defined milestones