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S ScrapAntics  •  2023-02-01  •  No comments  •  Legacy Sculpture  • 

Small terrarium model.
Small terrarium model.

Project code: 37



The sculpture “Echo” is a terrarium ecosystem, modelling the delicate balance and relationship between living plant life and environmental ambient temperatures.

Changes in thermodynamic conditions can easily unbalance an ecosystem and this is played out inside the environment of the sculpture, echoing the ecosystem found on Earth.

“Echo” suggests ideas on global warming by mirroring its effects and stimulates a debate on how we might reverse increases in global temperatures on Earth by carefully tending to our ecosystem.

Location: Botanic Garden

Proposed on behalf of: ScrapAntics

Price explanation

This project has been shortlisted by a review panel including ScrapAntics, the Botanic Gardens and Dundee City Council.

Don't have defined milestones