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Fit For The Future

finlay finlay  •  2022-11-14  •  44 comments  •  Dundee Climate Fund  • 


Project code: 6

Estimated Price


Significant energy efficiency measures in Dundee community space. Improving the efficiency of an 1888 building through insulation (both attic and underfloor), secondary glazing upgrading, installation of destratification fans (to better direct the heat towards the colder floor level from a 7m height) , solar PV panels and heat distribution measures to reduce carbon emissions by 34% and reduce heating output by 25-30%. The benefits of each have been detailed in an audit for the building. Our peak usage is also in the evening, when most of our classes take place. Battery power will allow us to generate and store during quieter daytime sessions to then allow for storage and use in the evening. Insulation will have a direct effect on the cold pool we have in the centre of our main practice space. Radiator heat goes straight up into our 7m vaulted space. With both insulation and 6 destratification fans, we could move an even heat to the lower levels as seen in the Dundee Rep. With soaring energy costs, we would be better able to direct resources towards maintaining our rich family and outreach programme providing a warm, welcoming and comfortable space.

With soaring energy costs, and reduced household income, and the organisation's core funds coming from community classes, we cannot put up class prices without increasing the pressure on our clients. With outreach classes 6 days a week, our free programmes also feel the effects of comfort and well-being in our space. Sharing our message about energy would also be a large part of our comms for the duration and after the project, as the most significant project we have taken on since our inception.

Proposed on behalf of: Heart Space Yoga & Bodyworks

Price explanation

Supplied quotes are reasonable.

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  • valentineoudney23

    Heart Space is an amazing community of lovely people who come from all over Dundee and across the Tay! It is an amazing asset and should be supported at all costs. The founder Finlay has built it up over the years and now runs it with his partner maintaining the same unique ethos of peace and tranquility where everyone who teaches brings their own gifts to it.

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    • afn

      excellent studio - pupils include older retired people. they care for them properly and need to continue with reasonable heating to achieve this.

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      • mandy

        Ive sent a prayer of manifestation to the universe. this is simply such a worthwhile project and serves so many across the community, can't think of a better way to spend public money investing in the community especially those who cant pay.

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          • dearbh25

            I attended Heartspace for pregnancy yoga. It was such a welcoming place of calm and I have lovely memories from those classes. My wee boy is now 7 and has attended some free aerial yoga classes. The classes are fantastic and support children of different abilities. Heartspace is very inclusive with free and subsidised class ensuring that money is not a barrier to enjoying yoga. Heartspace deserves every support to keep doing what they do!

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            • elainesmall1960

              Heart space chose to establish their yoga studio in what would’ve possibly been an empty and vandalised building. The building itself provides a safe, peaceful and spiritual place for those who visit. Heart space has proven its capacity to provide inclusive services for citizens of dundee with classes provided free of charge. I can’t think of another place I’d rather do yoga. I hope that heartspace are successful in this bid, to enable them to achieve the improvements needed to sustain and develop a beautiful space

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              • pa.maxwell

                Heart Space is a unique yoga studio making an incredible difference to so many people’s lifes. As a charity it provides many free classes: prenatal , postnatal , kids to teens and chair yoga. It is a welcoming all inclusive and non judgemental safe space. In order to support the studio to continue this work for future generations it needs funding to improve the building infrastructure to continue to make this a warm, comfortable, safe space for future generations.

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                • ma4k.mitchell

                  Heartspace is a wonderful asset for the local community, providing a welcoming, inclusive and safe space for all. An incredibly valuable resource for the whole community during covid lockdown and beyond, helping to improve our wellbeing and fitness !!!!
                  It is my place to go to in Dundee day or evening to practise yoga and relax.

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                  • xtmiller

                    Heart Space is such a unique and sensitively-crafted space. I moved to Dundee in 2020 at a time when it was hard to meet and integrate into a community, and now the HS building feels like a second home. We have to do all we can to protect these organisations from cost pressures that couldn’t have been predicted, and we need to nurture organisations like this that have giving back at their heart. Dundee would be poorer without Heart Space and particularly without its free community offering.

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                    • SevereSpinach

                      I joined many classes during lockdown. Helped me feel at ease. Thank you.

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                      • finlay
                        finlay  •  Author  •  2023-01-31 09:48:53

                        So glad you could join us in that tumultuous time!

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                      Don't have defined milestones