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Green Verdant Works

E emma.halford-forbes  •  2022-11-19  •  3 comments  •  Dundee Climate Fund  • 

Verdant Works
Verdant Works

Project code: 20



Dundee, 1833. The age of steam power.  

Thousands of Dundonians work in the factories and mills, producing textiles for sale across the country and across the world. It is a time of rich opportunities, but also unprecedented social challenges. And it is the beginning of a dangerous increase in carbon emissions, which today threatens all life on our planet...  

Dundee, 2022. The age of climate change.  

A new industrial revolution is afoot. Green technology is changing the way we live and work, and has the potential to make life better and fairer for everyone. But how can we harness it? And how can we make sure no-one gets left behind?  


We are Dundee Heritage Trust, proud custodian of Dundee’s only industrial heritage museum: Verdant Works.

This is the engine-room of the city’s industrial past.  

But now, as we embark on our own green journey, WE NEED YOUR HELP! 


Verdant Works is based in an original Grade A-Listed Victorian mill building from the 1830s, run by a lively team of staff and volunteers, and holds a nationally significant collection, including an original steam engine and large-scale replicas of the machines used by Dundee mill-workers for over a hundred years.  

Our machines all run on electricity today – meaning we don’t have to burn coal to demonstrate to our learners and visitors how these magnificent machines worked in the past.  

But because so much of our building is old, we are still powered in many places by gas: a fossil fuel which, when burned, releases carbon dioxide and other harmful gases into the atmosphere.  

By replacing the gas heating in our Machine Hall with a low-carbon electric solution, our project aims to save nearly a tonne of greenhouse gases every year – the same as 11 flights from Edinburgh to Stornoway! – and will help us keep this space warm for learners and visitors as they get to know the story of the mill from industrial powerhouse to a green museum for the  21st century from our enthusiastic volunteers and award-winning education tours and workshops.

And, by installing the same system in our beautiful but sadly underused High Mill, we will open up entirely new opportunities for green community activities, exhibitions, and events involving the whole community.


With your support, this exciting project will enable us to:

🗸 Keep our volunteers guides warm in winter to run our much-loved heritage machinery demonstrations for the public.

🗸 Host more schools for tours and workshops designed to get students thinking about important climate topics, such as the industrial revolution, climate change,  STEM for the future, green technology, and how museums can help the planet in the 21st century.

🗸 Host more sustainable events and exhibitions with local businesses, community groups, artists, and makers.

🗸 Pioneer a new Green Verdant Works Action Plan to further improve our sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint.



Vote to keep Dundee’s heritage alive and its future at Verdant green! 


Location: Verdant Works is based in a Grade A-Listed Victorian mill building, and sits at the heart of Blackness. This area is rich in Dundee's industrial heritage, but suffers from multiple markers of deprivation on the SIMD index. By providing more opportunities for local people to engage with Dundee's history and the important questions of its future, we hope to play a small but vital part in the area's community-led transformation.

Price explanation

Supplied quotes are reasonable.

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  • S

    A great place to showcase Dundee's heritage that Dundonians should be proud of and support.

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    • C

      fantastic initiative -all steam ahead with your greening technology !

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      • P

        I hope this includes the solar and batteries to power this.

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        Don't have defined milestones