Climate Heroes Project

Project code: 18
The Climate Heroes Project is centred on community action against climate change. Providing learning spaces and opportunities to protect the environment with the development of a School allotment and Eco classroom at St. Fergus Primary School, Ardler, Dundee.
It will focus on key themes such as energy efficiency, reducing waste and improving biodiversity by increasing awareness and engaging communities and young people in climate change. Our application is based on dialogues with parents, teachers, and pupils of the school. Whilst the main thrust of the proposal aims to address climate change, it also seeks to advance child learning and development. It will also involve the Development Worker of Ardler Village Trust as a link to other local environmental projects and connects well with other community learning initiatives aimed at saving energy and costs amidst a cost of living crisis.
The Eco Classroom - An Outbuilding situated in the school ground that will create an immersive experience for learning and engaging with the environment, whilst promoting wellbeing. Having an outdoor practical space for education makes subjects more vivid and interesting for children to enhance their understanding and aid creativity. We intend to reuse natural resources by harvesting rainwater on the roof and using solar power. We propose to have a mini weather station. By encouraging pupils to use it, we can create a hands-on approach to learning about the ways or climate changes over time.
The School Allotment - A vegetable garden that will provide wellbeing benefits as well as educational benefits to the pupils about sustainability, producing our own food and how to reduce the carbon footprint. the school kitchen, Early Evening Cafe at Ardler Complex and Community Fridge can make use of the produce, making sure nothing goes to waste. Having a link with Ardler Village Trust and access to other projects within the community will enable us to share skills, tools, and experience from community volunteers.
We propose rewilding areas of the playground for nature to regenerate and grow, which will support dwindling populations of native pollinators including bees and butterflies. We intend to enhance the biodiversity in the area by creating more green space, boosting the presence of insects and wildlife. Getting pupils involved in making bird boxes and maintaining the minibeast hotel provides opportunities to learn about how we care for wildlife.
By inspiring school children within the community to be aware and take care of nature and wildlife on our doorstep, we can promote the importance of looking after our environment. The increased green spaces will benefit the environment and our health by improving air quality, connection to nature and mindfulness. They will also function as a sustainable urban drainage system, which will in turn prove to be beneficial with the current climate change challenges. We believe there is a need for community action against climate change now, more than ever. we need to educate people today for a better planet tomorrow. The aim of the Climate Heroes Project is to help achieve this.
Location: Ardler is part of Strathmartine ward which has high levels of child poverty according to local SIMD data. The area benefitted from significant regeneration and housing programmes at the start of the Millennium. There is a strong community with a progressive culture of volunteering including the local management of the Ardler complex, local faith groups and community organisations. Recent additions including the community fridge and Early Evening Cafe initiative helps mitigate the impact of poverty. Our school St Fergus has strong links with local statutory and voluntary/ community-based organisations.
Proposed on behalf of: St Fergus Parent Council
Documents (2)
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This is wonderful! What an incredible idea to help foster the growth of our youths love for the outdoors and nature!
An amazing project which would have an impact on children’s understanding about climate change and inspire future generations to look after the community and the planet.
Fantastic project!
A well thought through project engaging children at a young age and linking the community closer together! More of this please!
This is a forward thinking, inclusive and sustainable project for many years to come. The detail is comprehensive, and explains just how important a project such as this, would benefit the whole community. It will engage the children of today to understand the bigger issues, and in doing so, ensure they encourage future generations to care for the planet 🌍
This is an amazing project which will give the children a better understanding of climate issues
Exciting project 🙂
This is an amazing idea to help children develop their understanding of the world around them.
Great initiative! All of us need to make an effort to not be wasteful and take care of our planet. Starting at a young age is even better!
Excellent initiative