BIG GROW DUNDEE - Maxwell Centre

Project code: 73
Estimated Price
GROW DUNDEE (Dundee Network of Community Growers) and the BIG GROW projects want to continue to make food growing (and cooking!) more accessible to everyone in Dundee, multiplying the opportunities for people in every neighbourhood.
See our network and events on and more info about the Maxwell Centre work and the Big Grow on
We are asking for funding to cover one annual salary so our team can continue to support learning and sharing opportunities across these 2 new and very successful community initiatives to address local climate justice through growing and cooking food, supporting biodiversity and climate-friendly gardens and green spaces across our city.
Each of the 30+ community food growing space in our city as well as 100+ family, community or school growing spaces will benefit from all the garden and wildlife resources, partnerships, training, events, joined fundraising and more. The project officer will organise or deliver:
- Community growers networking gatherings every two months at different community gardens across the city
- A programme of workshops and events to learn and make our work more visible for more engagement at each neighbourhood – keep community growers updated with good practice and opportunities for sustainable gardening and support to keep their community groups running.
- Updates of the GROW DUNDEE website so Dundonians know where all community gardens are, how to join to volunteer or for activities as well as tips and advice on sustainable suppliers etc. a live chat, phone and in person advice.
- Facilitation of partnership projects with over 15 environmental and community partners to enable access of community gardens to resources, support and funding (for example free fruit tree or bushes, help with composting, building ponds, etc.)
- Expansion of the network to include schools that are growing food
- Establishment of biodiversity hubs in neighbourhoods through community growing spaces and regular Bio blitzes
DUNDEE THE BIG GROW would also be supported by our staff for the next growing season, signing up 100 families, community groups or schools. Some new to growing, some having started recently to learn, grow, cook and share in their community. They will benefit from a community learning programme that includes training in growing, cooking and biodiversity through workshops, newsletters, videos, events, tool borrowing, free seeds and seedlings as well as one-to-one tailored advice for their growing space.
Location: Maxwell Centre and Garden and Dundee Community Growing Spaces and Neighbourhoods
Proposed on behalf of: Maxwell Centre and Dundee Community Growers Network
Excellent project! Thank you so much for helping me grow my own fruit & vegetables, can't wait to do it all again this year! Thank you!