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Carers for Climate Justice

dundeecarerscentre dundeecarerscentre  •  2024-09-30  •  No comments  •  Dundee Climate Fund Round 3.0  • 

Dundee Carers Centre Logo.png
Dundee Carers Centre Logo.png

Project code: 70

Estimated Price



The grant will be used to fund a Support Worker for 1 day per week, for 26 weeks to enable Carers of Dundee’s vision and action of what climate change means to them. This proposal will engage with unpaid Carers across Dundee and deliver a project that supports Carers and their families, friends & local community to take part in climate change action. The project will run from 1st May – 31st Oct 2025.

There will be a series of events, outings & workshops with local community organisations, using local green and blue spaces. The project will be delivered in 3 stages:

  1. 3 clean-up events over different terrains and environments - Beach, Woodland & River.
  2. Art creation - Reduce, Recycle, Reuse –using the waste products to create an art piece.
  3. Celebration event - to showcase the full project. Increasing public awareness, engage the wider community.

The workshops will focus on use of renewables, encouraging active travel, reusing resources and thus reducing waste. The outings we propose will ensure the Carers benefit from green space in the city and encourage them to grow in their own home environment which will work towards building increased awareness in the climate change agenda.

In addition to the climate benefits, this 6 month project will alleviate isolation, increase social connectivity within Carers own locality as well as City wide and enhance health & wellbeing which is a detrimental factor for all Carers.

The basis of this project has come directly from Carers who were given the opportunity to explore this topic during research conducted by Dr Kate Miller. Carers felt they were currently not well involved with Climate change largely due to barriers in existing opportunities to get involved. Carers said they would like to take part in something that would benefit the wider community as well as improve their personal health and wellbeing.



Location: Dundee City

Don't have defined milestones