Abertaysty - Food for Students

Project code: 57
Estimated Price
Abertay University Students' Association has been operating Abertaysty since 2019, and in the last academic year we provided 1705.6kgs of food to 1023 users (1.6kg per user on average) . We currently only offer ambient food, as we do not have space for refrigeration. However, we are moving to a custom designed space in December of this year and will then be able to widen our offering to students. We work with Fareshare as our supplier, ensurng that we employ the principles of circular economy. We would like to use monies from the fund to increase the amount we have available to widen our provision to chilled and frozen foods, to both help the students, and to collaborate on the prevention of food wste. Moving forward we would like to expand the larder to include a not-for-profit refill station, both to widen the offering, but also to encourage students to engage in more sustainble shopping practices. To this end we would request funding to purchase the equipment needed, and the first purchase of goods to stock the station.
We also use Abertaysty to highlight other sustainable initiatives being promoted by the Association, the university and the wider community, and to provide access to information and guidance on how to live more sustainably.
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